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Everything Wrong With The Amazing Spiderman In 2 Minutes Or Less

The Amazing Spider-Man is a EWW video for the 2012 film, which aired on aired December 11, 2012.


Movie Sin Counter Sentence Movie Sin Timer
01 Jeremy: This movie exists 00:01
02 Jeremy: Child actor looks nothing like his counterpart 00:02
03 Jeremy: Unsettling scalp-sniffing fetish 00:04
  1. Promotes stalking
  2. Scene does not include lap dance
  3. High school student has Rear Window poster
  4. Uncle Ben picks up perfectly-solved Rubik's Cube and then puts it back messed up!
  5. Peter Parker uses Bing?!
  6. Dr. Curt Cockings. 
  7. How and why is he surfing the search results inside of IFrame on the bing page?
  8. Oscorp uses Disney ride narration for exposition purposes.
  9. Peter's love interest conveniently also works for the bad guy.
  10. Nonexistent full-color floor-to-ceiling hologram technology.
  11. Peter bumps into the one shady dude with papers related to his father's work.
  12. Peter perfectly mimics a complicated security touch- screen gesture after watching from 50 feet away.
  13. Floor-to-ceiling holograms, but no security cameras.
  14. Peter willingly walks into a room with hundreds of spiders.
  15. Skateboard reappears after not having existed in the entire previous sequence.
  16. Peter uses bing again!
  17. Nonexistent floor-to-ceiling hologram-that-you-can-touch technology.
  18. More Uncle Ben lectures about responsibility.
  19. Long-abandoned underground wrestling ring perfectly positioned to give Peter costume inspiration
  20. Wait... is it Christmas?
  21. Random microchip in a cell phone equals police scanner
  22. Why are all these random citizens gathering around outside the police station?
  23. Peter uses Bing for a third freaking time
  24. Magic car-door key-code decoder gizmo
  25. Peter somehow knows exactly which car this dude is going to steal
  26. Supporting role given to C. Thomas Howell, but not Bruce Campbell
  27. Spiderman takes off his freaking mask
  28. Police captains don't issue arrest warrants, judges do
  29. Stupid rat lizard puppet
  30. Ridiculous pied piper lizard effect
  31. "Property of Peter Parker" plot device
  32. What the f*** is up with these wounds?
  33. Peter takes off the mask again
  34. Cell phone reception in the sewers
  35. Evil villain lair, conveniently left unattended
  36. Custom-built presentation software created solely to provide crucial plot details 
  37. Exposition by police radio 
  38. Use of the phrase "Mother Hubbard"
  39. Peter's mask comes off again!
  40. Exposition by helicopter pilot
  41. "Turning the cranes"  should be the new "Jumping the shark."
  42. Bro bonding eye contact moment
  43. Spiderman is not a parade; you do not need to stop traffic for Spiderman
  44. Canisters of liquid nitrogen should not be stored on rooftops
  45. Worst. Secret. Identity. Ever.
  46. Crazy whipping liquid nitrogen tube conveniently land right in Spiderman's hand
  47. Villain change of heart cliché
  48. Fatally wounded, but still time for moral lesson
  49. The funeral invitation read: black tie, black umbrellas only
  50. These ladders do not begin to provide enough support or height for a painting of this scale

Movie Sin Tally: 53

Sentence: HELL


  • This is the first EWW episode ever.
  • This is also the first video uploaded on the CinemeaSins channel.